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台灣高雄, Kaohsiung Taiwan

金馬賓館當代美術館alien art center

05   /   11   /   2018

業主 : 永添藝術

性質 : 私人美術館 (老屋活化)

開幕日期 : 2018年11月

典藏藝術 : Corinth Canal, Diamond - James Turrell


Client : ALIEN ART

Category : Private Gallery (Regeneration of old building)

Opening Day : November 2018

Collection Art : Corinth Canal, Diamond - James Turrell







- 舊的建築總是富有故事與記憶、而記憶是都市與人連結的重要因子


- 新與舊之間總是衝突、但卻充滿張力;融合的關鍵不在於一致、而在於協調"


- 既保守又開放,既傳統又當代

因此在既有的空間架構之中、如何能夠打破原本建築體系的封閉性、塑造當代藝術空間的那種流動、關係、層次的感受,特別是與環境的對話,就變成是設計上最主要的考慮、也是空間的核心想法! 簡單講就是我們所希望塑造出的空間感受是“既保守又開放、既傳統又當代”,同時還有環境。而後山就變成是一個在設計上重要的切入點!所以一方面在配置上我們將公共空間像是大展區、café、lounge置於較靠近後山的右棟、行政空間置於接近聯外道路的左棟、中間則是獨立展區;另一方面將面後山的牆面打開、引入後山山景,並在後院塑造大草坡(車道)的地景,使其成為展區的室內風景;另外也打開臨中庭的空間來形成廊道、塑造空間比較多元及流暢的動線等等,都是在這樣的核心想法下面所形成的設計手段;然後在空間架構與關係形成後,裡面的內容,也就是空間的主角、這些與當代藝術相關的展覽,書籍,活動等等則會賦與空間的精神、豐富性、及人文感受。簡言之也就是 ”架構是舊的、關係是新的、內容是多元豐富的、感受是當代的”。

對於我們,生活與文化無法分離、文化是生活的體現之一;而金馬賓館是屬於城市的公共財,所以我們期待未來金馬能不僅是一個展覽中心,也能成為一個都市的藝術公共空間,讓所有市民能夠參與、交流、被薰陶,而這也跟業主的初衷及目標一致 - 提升高雄的城市文化形象與市民文化素養”!




A gallery at foot of mountain

Located at foot of Shou Mountain, Kaohsiung and have been facing change of situation between Mainland China and Taiwan from confrontation to dialogue, a military building, Kin-Ma Hotel, was built around 1960s and used for soldier to stay during vacation back from frontline, but it’s released by government today due to transformation of Kaohsiung from industrial to tourist city. So the client plans to transform Kin-Ma Hotel to a gallery, ALIEN Art Center and expect it could become an important culture place in Kaohsiung City.


For us, preservation is not the best way to deal with old building, but to run it with new urban function, because we think that’s the way to make it integrated with city system and can survive for long time. However layout of military building is always symmetrical which gives feeling of stable, but also conservative and closed that is very different from environment of contemporary art space as known. And especially even it’s beside mountain, but still with no intention to connect it. So basically both space is conflicting in essence, and it’s the main task for design.


Considering about surroundings, we arrange public function like activity area, café, and lounge, at right wing which is near to mountain, and open wall at backside to bring nature into. Besides we also create a big green slope at backyard for indoor scenery which works as driving way for delivery of big art as well. And we put administration space at left wing due to convenience of access from the main road. Then individual exhibition rooms are left at middle building but open back side for new circulation beside inner courtyard. Moreover, Being able to survive continuously for ling time, 1/3 of total budget is used to reinforce structure condition which is essential for old building and reserving frame, corridor, stairs, and basic material etc. Overall, what we want to do basically is to create a more open, free-flowing, and comfortable environment for gallery, but still with original space sense. Let’s say structure is old, relation is new, contents is diverse, and feeling of space is contemporary!


To us, Kin-Ma Hotel is public goods witnessing transformation of city, and Alien Art Center should not run as just a private gallery, but also a urban public space where welcome all citizen to come, talk, and enjoy which is also consistent with original purpose of client – to enhance cultural literacy of citizen and culture image of Kaohsiung city.




欣傳媒 XinMedia

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