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台灣台南, Tainan, Taiwan

real estate selling center

04   /   15   /   2023

業主 : 清景麟
性質 : 接待中心

完工 : 2023年4月

面積 : 基地約1263坪 / 建物約406坪


Type: temporary architecture for real estate selling center

Completion : April, 2023
Area: site is about 4168m2 / building is about 1340m2






- 隈研吾



透過案例的研究、「自然素材」、「弱化」、「疊加」、「縫隙」、「柔和」是我們所解析”隈研吾設計”的幾個關鍵字,轉為手法則是用自然的材料,塑造出一種用單元構成、有虛實、層次,能滲透、邊界模糊感受的量體/空間狀態,落實在本案也就是那道在入徑上的” 雜木林”。


” 雜木林” - ㄧ道以檜木為材料、轉化樹枝構成狀態的數位格柵裝置,用以詮釋”隈研吾空間的感受”,也作為接待中心正面的主要意像,也因此我們將入徑由原先從正面進入的短向,刻意改變成跟建物平行從側面進入的長向、讓這道“雜木林”能成為進入的引導及強化入徑上的感受與經驗。


基地週邊開闊、在主要元素形成之後,在基地一片大草坡上的一棟簡潔、白色、具雕塑感,有如美術館般的”建築” 的想像就自然而然的浮現了出來,因此我們試圖”拆解”原長方盒體,轉化為在外觀上像是由大的白色折板、及由折板上衝入內在轉折落地的大的清水模斜牆所構成的空間;折板與斜牆成為室內的主要元素,再加上那道“雜木林”及經由它滲透到室內的光影變化,除此之外就沒有其餘過多接待中心會慣用、強化視覺的裝飾面的作法了。


作為一個以”隈研吾”為主題的接待中心,內部以Kengo Kuma Gallery 為主要機能及定位,我們企圖塑造出類似美術館空間一樣的那種簡潔、寬敞、明亮、素雅、靜謐的氛圍,讓室內空間的主角”隈研吾”能夠被最大程度的強化及表現出來。




"Miscellaneous Woods" on a trail

The site is a real estate reception center. The name of the project is based on the exterior of the building, which is called “Miscellaneous Woods on the trail”. Drawing on the spirit of renowned Japanese architect Kengo Kuma, the architect mixed the aesthetics of nature and purity, with a dialogue of light and shadow to articulate a new vision of Japanese style and Eastern Zen.

Through the case study, the project can be summarized into five cores: "natural materials", "weakening", "superposition", "gap" and "softness". The designer changed the position of the main entrance in the long box-like structure so that the first impression is changed from a narrow side to a wide side. The natural cypress is the highlight, and the simulation of the tree branch structure is staggered but full of aesthetic tension. In the meantime, the roof is disassembled to shape a space transition, allowing the large volume to have more varied layers of change. As daylight falls, the shadows of the trees intertwine, and the overlapping of light and shadow is a perfect gesture in nature. The project creates a spatial state that is composed of units, with feelings of solidity and void, layering, permeability, and blurred boundaries, which is also known as the "Miscellaneous Woods" on the entry path.

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